Photography from March 18th, 2012

My city’s finally reached Spring time, and that means more photography on the fly, which is awesome. This was my first real chance to break in the camera. I took an HDR of an area outside of Davis Park here in Rockford, and a few of the dogs and whatnot.

Click thumbnails for larger sizes:

Downtown Rockford Outside of Davis Park: 3/18/12

Photography from 03/18/2012

Photography from 03/18/2012
My Dog Popeye: 03/18/12

5 Puffy

Pictures of my Dogs: Jan. 8th, 2012

These are my Dogs, Popeye and Puffy. Popeye is the brown one. He’s an Australian Shepard and Beagle mix. Puffy is (obviously) the white one, and he’s a Bischon and Poodle Mix.

Popeye is 14 now, and Puffy is about 7. They’re both GREAT dogs, but there’s something about Popeye I just love to death. He’s not just my first dog, but for all of his life he’s just been an awesome addition to the family. As he gets older, I’ve really made a point to spend more time and take more pictures of them both.

Taken Jan. 8th, 2012

Click Thumbnails for full sizes:

My Dog Popeye: 1/08/12

My Dog Puffy: 1/8/12

My Dog Popeye: 1/8/12

My Dog Popeye: 1/8/12