Toy Review: Transformers Prime: Takara First Edition Voyager Optimus Prime

Even though I own both the Hasbro and Takara versions, I’ve decided to review the Takara version (first anyways) because it has the more show accurate color-scheme, and I feel that it’s the definite choice between the two to purchase.

We’ll start off with some pictures of the robot and alt. (truck) modes. As you can see, there’s a very strong and complete homage to the on-screen CGI model in aesthetic and proportions.

(All pictures are thumbnails: Click for larger sizes)

Transformers Prime: Takara First Edition Voyager Optimus

The accessories are fairly simple and to-the-point. They’re both what he uses in the show (although he has two blasters in the show). The only problem I have is tha the sword is rubber. It’s not even as much that the sword is rubber, as the fact that the texture of rubber keeps it from having a polished sheen like a blade would.

Transformers Prime: Takara First Edition Voyager Optimus

They do add quite a bit to Prime though:

Transformers Prime: Takara First Edition Voyager Optimus

Transformers Prime: Takara First Edition Voyager Optimus

Transformers Prime: Takara First Edition Voyager Optimus
Transformers Prime: Takara First Edition Voyager Optimus

Transformers Prime: Takara First Edition Voyager Optimus

Transformers Prime: Takara First Edition Voyager Optimus

It’s a very uncanny likeness for even the best of Transformers toys, and that, combined with it’s great articulation and height (7″ from head to toe in Robot mode), really do make this one of the best Voyager-classed Transformers figures that I feel has ever been made! Because of that, I’m not even going to bother rating this one, and just say to buy this. If second-hand pricing is expensive, then save up. You’re not going to find much better than this in Transformers as a whole even, let alone just the Prime toyline.

Toy Photography – Transformers: Hasbro Masterpiece Grimlock

This is easily one of the best Transformers Toys ever made. Not only is he a picture-perfect homage to his original cartoon incarnation, but honestly, he’s just a solidly built, and FUN figure/toy. I think it’s the definition of what a “Masterpiece” figure should be all about.

Click thumbnails for larger sizes:

Transformers: Hasbro Masterpiece Grimlock

Transformers: Hasbro Masterpiece Grimlock

Transformers: Hasbro Masterpiece Grimlock

Transformers: Hasbro Masterpiece Grimlock

Transformers: Hasbro Masterpiece Grimlock

Transformers: Hasbro Masterpiece Grimlock

Transformers: Hasbro Masterpiece Grimlock

Transformers: Hasbro Masterpiece Grimlock

Transformers: Hasbro Masterpiece Grimlock

Transformers: Hasbro Masterpiece Grimlock

Transformers: Hasbro Masterpiece Grimlock